Non-Profit Community Orgs
T-F, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sat, 9-2. Donation hours 8 a.m.-3 p.m. M-Sat.
Driving Directions:
15970 N. Oracle Rd. in Catalina, just off the east side of Oracle Road.
Manned by volunteers and living on donations, the Goose, as it’s affectionately known, is 18,000 contemporary and clean square feet where shoppers immerse themselves in housewares and small appliances, exercise equipment and sporting goods, classic and modern furniture, and rack after rack of thoroughly inspected clothing for men and women.
On another note, The Goose is often the recipient of musical instruments such as guitars, violins, wind instruments, even the occasional bagpipe. For those seeking less committed entertainment, there are book, CD, and DVD selections, even collectible vinyl records, all surrounded by more fine art than found in most art galleries.
And, with great pride and gratitude for its volunteers, the Goose returns 100% of its profits to two local charities, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach and IMPACT of Southern Arizona, which use the money to support food banks, senior nutrition programs, youth and teen programs like Kid’s Closet, scholarships, and much more. So far, the Goose has endowed those charities and programs with over $21 million!
Because the stock changes almost every day, one could shop every day and always find new merchandise. And you should! There’s no other store like the Goose in the Tucson area.