Tucson Local Media - Explorer News

Tucson Local Media - Explorer News


Newspapers & Magazines

About Us

The Explorer is Northwest Tucson's free weekly newspaper, with wide print circulation and online presence serving the communities of Oro Valley, Marana, SaddleBrooke and unincorporated Pima County.

Tucson Local Media also produces Inside Tucson Business, Tucson Weekly, Marana and Foothills papers. TLM is a Silver member of the Greater Oro Valley Chamber.

Since its founding in 1993, The Explorer has become the leading news source for Marana, Oro Valley and Northwest Tucson.

Delivered every Wednesday to 44,000 households throughout Northwest Tucson, The Explorer covers a variety of topics and issues that impact our readers — such as government, business, sports and recreation and arts and entertainment — and offers a voice for the people involved with them.

The Explorer’s coverage of important issues and events over the years has garnered numerous journalism awards from Arizona Newspapers Association (ANA) and Arizona Press Club.

We welcome your comments, letters to the editor, photos of local events and story ideas. Please e-mail them to: tucsoneditor@tucsonlocalmedia.com

Every week, The Explorer aims to meet a range of needs and interests of its readers while delivering an outstanding value to its advertisers.

To learn more about how advertising in The Explorer can help grow your business and reach thousands of readers, call our advertising professionals at (520) 797-4384.


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Best of Tucson - Publishes March 2021
Explorer News - Weekly Newspaper / Northwest Tucson & Oro Valley
Marana Newspaper - Weekly / Northwest Tucson & Marana
Tucson Weekly - Weekly Alternative Newspaper
Inside Tucson Business - BiWeekly Business News Journal
Foothills News - BiMonthly Newspaper / Catalina Foothills
Desert Times - Monthly Newspaper / Southwest Tucson
Destination Tucson - Annual High Gloss Magazine
Book of Lists - Annual Business Directory
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Rep/Contact Info

Michelle Bussey
Account Executive
Kristin Chester
Multi-Media Account Executive
Laura Meehan
Associate Publisher
Tyler Vondrak
MultiMedia Sales Consultant